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Green Schools - Flag 5- Theme: Biodiversity

We have just received our fifth green flag: Biodiversity and we are very proud of all our pupils for their great work in ensuring that we attained that super standard. Everyone not only worked so hard to attain the fifth flag but also ensured we kept up all the great work that got us the previous four, Waste/Litter, Energy, Water and Travel - this means we have to keep collecting and recycliing, reducing our energy consumption by turning off lights etc, and finally thinking about the way we travel, scooting, cycling and walking when we can.  


While creating their Action Plan participating schools set Travel targets, with the ultimate aim of increasing the number of pupils walking, cycling, scooting, carpooling, using public transport or using park ‘n’ stride instead of the private car on the school run.


By promoting these sustainable transport modes, schools will also improve pupils’ safety, health and fitness. The journey to school is an ideal way for children to take part in regular physical activity, to interact with their peers, and to develop the road sense children need as pedestrians and cyclists. Alternative modes of transport also improve children’s alertness. The schools will also lessen their overall impact on the environment, by reducing emissions and pollution.


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This is what we are trying to do!

Our very hard working Green Schools Committee

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