Shraigh National School
Scoil Náisiúnta na Sraithe
Our School - A Place of Creative Fun! - listen to us sing below!
Fáilte isteach chuig ár scoil. Welcome to our school which is situated on the west coast of Ireland in the county of Mayo. We are right beside the sea and love to explore for shells and rocks on the beach. Our school has two main classrooms, the Junior Room caters for pupils from Junior Infants to Second Class and the Senior Room caters for pupils from Third to Sixth Class. We also have a shared learning support teacher and a secretary.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our school website. On this page we would like to give you a flavour of the work we do at the school.
Our school has a long tradition of involvement in the creative arts. Our pupils have produced some super art and craft work. Our pupils take part in many creative activities - including the ones you see here, art, crafts, singing, You can see a sample of our pottery work to the right and we have some recent samples of our super singing below....enjoy!
An Leanbh Nua! - The New Baby!
Let the Raindrops Drop
We love to sing, listen to us singing in Irish!
Listen to hear us sing about the raindrops!
If it Rains - Well, you will need an umbrella!